Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Alternative Seating

This year I have been blessed to be a part of a new program at my school called School Within a School. This is a smaller learning community you can learn more about in an earlier post I made. This program is teacher led and luckily that included our choice in furniture. I am so happy to share with you my alternative seating and how it is working for me.
These stools I found for $5 dollars at Family Dollar. They are sturdy little metal stools that the kids love. They are very practical and come in all kinds of cute colors and for a price so cheap you really can't beat them! We currently have 7 of them and they get used all day every day.

These are my absolute favorite. These Gaiam yoga ball chairs are wonderful. I had 4 and then wrote a Donors Choose grant for 4 more because everyone loved them so much. They allow my students to bounce just enough that they are happy but they can still stay focused on our lesson. These are a little pricey but so worth it.

These are also made by Gaiam and I like them alright. They are cheaper than the yoga ball chairs and have a little more stability than typical yoga balls from the four legs on the bottom, so they aren't rolling all over the place. The kids aren't as crazy about these but they do still get used often.

I looked for these scoop seats for a year. I saw them on Pinterest and loved them. My son loved them so much he decided to keep two at home, one for him and one for my daughter. They kids use these when they want to move around the room and we have trays that we use to write on when they are working in the floor.

I made 3  crate seats to go at my computer table and the kids like them. I like that they also provide storage for our classroom stuff. You can see art supplies peeking out the wholes. These are pretty sturdy and have lasted me about 3 years now. The only down side is they go flat fairly easy so they aren't very comfortable. But They are easy and cheap to make and I can always add more stuffing and we are good to go.

These tables we supposed to be for standing but they were a little too short for my second graders (they are the perfect height for my son in kindergarten) so I got these taller wobble chairs (teen height) from Donors Choose. They were a little hard for my kids to figure out since they do wobble and are taller. We nada few spills off of them but they finally got the hang of them. I like that these provide my students with a little movement as well.

These wobble cushions are also for working around the room. My kids like to sit on them or lay their chest on them while they work on trays. 

Finally I have two chairs at my teacher desk with these bouncy bands. I make sure to sit my most active kids at these seats so they can move during small group. They get used to all our other mobile seats and do not want to sit still for me, so this fixes that issue.

I had a wonderful technical plan for how we were going to figure out where everyone sat but as usual that didn't work out. The first week of school I would just ask my kids to sit in a different seat every time we reentered the room or changed subjects/activities. I stressed that they need to choose a seat where they could work their best and to make sure they only sat next to people that would encourage them to follow the rules. I didn't want anyone sitting in a seat or with someone that would be a distraction to them. I nada few issues in the beginning but once one student lost the privilege of seating on the wobble chairs they realized I meant business and they didn't want to chance losing their privilege. I still love looking around the room and seeing kids spread out everywhere but still working so hard! Makes a teachers heart happy!!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Welcome to OUR HOUSE!

Today we spun the wheel to find out if we were in the house of creativity, courage, leadership, or service!! We had a lot more courageous friends than we realized! It was so exciting to spin the wheel and finally know what house we were in. Next week we will find out who else is in each of our houses!

Lots of Firsts

This year is going to be jam packed with lots of FIRSTS for me. This is my first year teaching second grade. My first year teaching the same group (mostly) of kids for more than one year,  first year teaching standards based, and our first year having our School Within a School program. It is such an exciting time for us at SWS. We have worked since last December planning and meeting trying to determine the direction to take this fabulous opportunity we have been given and now we are finally living it and seeing all our dreams unfold. It is so exciting, rewarding, scary, great, and a million other emotions!
We know that this is going to be a great year. We have an awesome group of teachers to work with, wonderful kids, and amazing parents who all want to work together to see our kids excel! We want them to reach milestones they never thought possible, we want to see them become the amazing people they are destined to become!
If you want more information about what School Within a School is check out our school website or our school Facebook page SWS at Albertville or feel free to email me Follow my blog to stay up to date on the exciting things going on in my second grade classroom this year!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Movin' On Up

I have moved with 13 of my firsties from last year and 5 new fabulous additions to second grade! We are loving our new classroom and all of our hands on learning we have done so far! An exciting and fun start to what will be a GREAT year!!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ready to hatch chicks.

Thanks to some wonderful donors at we have all the materials to hatch baby chicks in our classroom. We will get our eggs tomorrow from another fabulous donor and we are so excited for this adventure!


We had to have a little fun in the snow this morning! We only stayed for a few minutes but it sure was fun!