Friday, September 27, 2013

A Fox and a Kit

This week we read A Fox and a Kit. We loved reading this story and of course making this cute craft!

Farm Day

As you can tell by all my posts we have had a very busy week! It has been full of all kinds of celebrations! The last thing we did this week was this morning, We had some students from the high school come and help us with farm day! And of course the kids LOVED it! Thank you to all the students and teachers who made this day possible for our students!

Happy Birthday Lana!!

 Lana turns 7 tomorrow so her and her mom made us this great cupcakes!!

 And this is what happens when you eat blue icing!!!
Here is Lana eating her snack with her friends at table 4!

More Johnny Appleseed!

Here are my sweet kiddos who made apple projects! They were so CREATIVE!

Here is our fun apple snack! Red, yellow, and green apples, apple sauce, apple juice, and caramel dip. We even had a few homemade treats, apple chips and more apple sauce that we made in class!

And of course here we are enjoying the snack!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Johnny Appleseed

Happy Birthday Jonny Appleseed!! In honor of Johnny Appleseed's birthday we have a week of fun apple activities planned. Today we made puppets and brought in our apple projects! I was very impressed of the cute things the kids made out of apples.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Big Blue Ox

 After reading Big Blue Ox this week of course we had to make this cute craft! The kids loved the story and the craft!
After we hung up the oxes I told the kids to move so I could take a picture and this is where Mia moved! LOL She is too funny! But she made a great addition to our picture!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pig in a wig

This week the story we read was "Pig in a Wig" and I just loved how our pigs turned out! They are SO cute!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Grandparent's Day! We had a great group of grandparents come visit us and tour our school today! Thanks to everyone who came!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The kids have worked so hard in centers this week! They are acting like big first graders! We are working hard to get ready for our first reading and spelling test on Friday. Parents please practice spelling words with your child EVERY night! Our words for the week are: at, can, cat, back, dad, am bat, mad, ran, sack, way, on.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone enjoys their day off tomorrow! I can't wait to see my sweet babies on Tuesday but I am going to enjoy my time with my sweet baby at home! Parents make sure your child is rested up because kindergarten review ended Friday so Tuesday we hit the ground running! I can't wait!!