Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Candy Corn Math


We added water to beads and watched as crystals were formed!


We learned about bats then did an activity to see how bats communicate. 

October 30th

We will be celebrating Halloween this Friday. Please send candy for trick-or-treating and don't forget about our dress up days for the rest of the week.
Thursday- Favortie team
Friday- Costume/superhero

We will only be at school half a day on Friday. If we have not had a conference please make plans to meet with me as soon as possible.

Apple Science

We measured apples, learned about a special star in the middle, guessed if an apple would float or sink and lots of other fun apple science activities.


Dress up days, homecoming parade and pep rally, a special guest reader. We had lots of fun homecoming week!!

Johnny Appleseed

We made apple cider, apple projects, and had an apple snack! We loved learning about all things apples.